Award-winning pálinkas from the Bánki Pálinka House

Award-winning pálinkas from the Bánki Pálinka House

We searched for a long time. Searched, and finally found it. We had to wait a long time after that, but worth the wait, that’s for sure.

Brilliant pálinkas come out of the hands of Zsolt Szikora. As he recounts, pálinka brewed and kept with skill and heart has a soul, and we have experienced this as well.

Almost every pálinka is an award winner. The “worst” ranking is silver and the top is a world championship gold. With that, we said everything.

Pálinkas set to 44 degrees to have a “slight” amount of alcohol, but the aroma, taste and aroma of the fruit provide a complete experience.

2 types of grapes; Olivér Irsai and Cserszegi spicy, 2 types of plums; Stanley and Lepotica, gypsy cherries, apricots, apples, quinces, blackbird are waiting for you.

Worth a try! Bánki pálinka in the store.

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